Wednesday, May 21, 2014

The Okhla Sewage Treatment Plant

I couldn't help but share a little discovery I had on a run a few days ago. A sewage treatment plant is not what most people would consider a discovery, but for me it was pretty cool! Here is a photo tour of the what I could see in the plant. The existing plant was 30 million gallons per day (MGD), but they were also building an additional 12 MGD of capacity. 

One of Narendra Modi's campaign promises is to clean the Ganges River. Since most of the pollution in the river is human waste, Mr. Modi will likely be building a lot more of these plants!  

Here's the sign for all those that want the major details.

This is the primarily clarifier where the thick material settles to the bottom and is removed. 

This is the start of the aeration tanks where the bacteria will break down the organic matter (aka poop). 

They had some really long aeration tanks!

To the right of the blue sign, you can see the black wheel spinning. It's basically a big egg beater that is injecting air into the wastewater. 

More eggbeaters.

And here's a little doggie at the end of the aeration tanks!

I'm not sure what those thanks are for. They could be storage, though I saw canals with what  I believe was treated water.. . Not sure. 

Again a bit uncertain about this, but it could be a power plant for the treatment plant. I don't think you would need a separate power plant, but it is possible. It is also possible that this power plant and the storage tanks above are for something completely different!

This is the new 12 MGD additions. The green boxes are screens to remove big objects like sticks and garage from the wastewater. 

Here are some pipes next to the treatment plant. I think they are carrying sewage to the plant. Looks real sanitary.

A canal that carries the treated wastewater away from the treatment plant.

On an earlier run, I encounter this pool, which is part of the canal systems and may be the part of some injection grounds where the treated water soaks down through the ground and into the water table. 

There is more foam and garbage in the water than I would like, but I'm pretty sure garbage comes from people and not the treatment plant. 

And finally, a man fixing bicycles : )

I hope you enjoyed my little tour of the Okhla Treatment Plant. If I had any doubts beforehand, running past huge open tanks of sewage sure convinces you that it is a treatment plant!

I couldn't see all the steps in the process and don't feel the need to explain them here, but for anyone interested check out this link for an introduction to the basic steps of wastewater treatment.

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